PhD Economics

Program Introduction

The strong commitment of Dr. Hassan Murad School of Management (HSM) is to nurture a conducive environment for a state-of-the-art focused research and policy analysis culture. This is manifested in its Ph.D. Program in Economics. Doctoral Program in Economics at HSM will attract exceptionally motivated academicians and researchers by offering them a research-oriented program that offers very supportive student-faculty interaction and a research collaborative environment with other institutes.

The main goal of the program is to train its participants in becoming top-notch economists. This program aims at preparing economists who can conduct internationally competitive research and are proficient in making complex business decisions. This program also offers a solid foundation in theory and tools of Economics along with the choice of several fields of specialization.

Ph.D. Economics program offers broad opportunities to scholars. This program best suits those who are seeking careers in analytical research, higher education, business management, and public policy and planning. The Ph.D. degree holders from the University of Management and Technology (UMT) will have vast opportunities in academics (public & private colleges and universities), planning commission and finance ministry, BISP, Economic Division at the national and sub-national level, research institutes, non-profit organizations, and international organizations like IMF and World Bank, Asian Development Bank, etc. Graduates will be able to play an effective and strategic role in the industry for decision-making.

Program Details

3 Years

All the candidates must satisfy the proposed guidelines of HEC for securing admission in PhD Economics program. These guidelines are given below:

(a)  Candidates must have Master degree (18 years of education) in relevant field.

(b)  Candidates must have Minimum CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.

  • GAT(Subject) / UMT Graduate Admission Test is mandatory.
  • Interview (Panel Interview performance will play a crucial role in student selection).
  • No third division in the entire academic career.
  • Any other requirement as specified by the Department or regulatory body.
  • To apply for a doctoral program, having completed a thesis or research project is mandatory for candidates holding an MS/MPhil degree.
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