BS Media and Communication

Program Introduction

Media and communication is one of the fastest growing disciplines of the social sciences. It has created a huge demand for professionals well versed in all mediums of communication. The media has pervaded all aspects of our daily life experiences. The sector has become more dynamic and diverse over the time and degrees in this major are growing in popularity. The media industry is leading the way in the communication revolution that is sweeping across the world. A society rich in information has become an essential necessity for socio-political and socio-economic stability of any nation. Socio-political and economic stability of any nation depends greatly on the richness of information and its proper management.

At UMT, the 4-year BS Media and Communication program is taught by experts and media professionals. The University has adopted a practical approach to fulfill the existing and emerging communication needs of the Pakistani society in order to develop an imperative understanding of both the social and political environment in which the media works and has revolutionized the world. The degree provides an exclusive blend of both critical and practical skills, aimed at developing each student’s creative and analytical capabilities. The course is designed to meet the professional standards with trailblazing and adaptable teaching methods to provide an engaging learning environment. We have also planned to explore and share new avenues of the job market with our students. Our goal is to prepare them to manage the media and communications industry and understand the dynamics of the emerging digital world. UMT’s School of Media and Communication Studies has chalked out its BS Program in a way, that our young graduates will start their careers with full confidence in their abilities.

Career Prospects

Graduates of this program can expect promising careers in the following roles and fields:

  • Digital Marketer
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Social Media Manager
  • News Reporter

Program Details

4 Years

- Minimum 45% marks in Intermediate / A-Level or equivalent and no 3rd division in Matriculation

- 50% marks in NTS\UMT entry test

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